In order to process incoming and outgoing mails via the appliance, the following conditions are necessary:
nslookup -q=cname selector1._domainkey.YOURDOMAIN.TLD
and the result must be a non-authorising response:
Enter the domain(s) in the Appliance Admin web interface => Configuration => Local Domains
Configure the transport rules in the Appliance Admin web interface for each domain so that they point to the corresponding Microsoft 365 MX record.
Specify the corresponding domain for the recipient addresses.
Use the SSL certificate in the TLS settings.
In the Transport tab, enter the MX record that is displayed in O365 for your domain as the smarthost.
You can see the DNS name required for this in the Microsoft 365 domain view::
In the advanced tab, set the FQDN according to your appliance.
In the Local Domains of the appliance, configure the option "Hosted Exchange" for the O365 domains.
Setting Local domains
Also configure DKIM for the Local Domains so that outgoing emails can receive a correct DKIM signature.
This is especially necessary when using the MailSealer.
Select the MX of your REDDOXX Appliance here:
Enter the name of the SSL certificate that is used in the REDDOXX Appliance:
Even if the test fails, accept the save with "Yes", as the connector is necessary for the configuration of the transport rule.