
The Network settings are used to integrate the REDDOXX Appliance within the network.
These settings should be configured with the utmost care to ensure a reliable functionality.

  • Hostname: Enter any name for the REDDOXX Appliance in the network.
    The standard value can be exchanged for any Name.
  • Domainname: If applicable, enter the name of the domain the REDDOXX Appliance belongs to.
  • 1. DNS-Server: Enter the corresponding IP address of your network's DNS server.
    This entry is mandatory! At least one DNS server must be stated.
    Ensure that the DNS server is accessible, also if the REDDOXX Appliance is operated in a DMZ.
  • 2. DNS-Server: Enter the IP address of another DNS server.
    Make sure both DNS Servers consist of the same dataset, if configuring a second DNS Server.
  • Search Domains: If certain (or several) search domains are to be used for DNS queries, they can be entered here separated by commas.
    However, multiple search domains are only necessary in exceptional cases, e.g. if storage and appliance are located in different networks with different domain names.
  • Confirm the changes with "Apply Settings"

  • eth0: This is the Lan Interface 1, choose dhcp or configure a static IP.
  • eth0:MdCon: This is the Alias Interface that can be used to make the SMTP Connector listen to Port 25.
    This is a virtual interface, so it is not required to attach another network card to the appliance.
  • eth1: This Interface can be used for Clustermode, or to configure a separated connection to a storage network.
    An eth1 Interface is required for Bridge Mode, but does not need to be configured additionally.

Changes to the IP Settings for the corresponding Interfaces can be done via double click and are applied with "save".
Please note that changes made here must also be made in the SMTP Connector Settings and the SMTP Receive Connectors , if necessary.

  • You can configure static routes, if connections to mailservers or other communication partners are not allowed to be routed via the default gateway.
  • The target has to be configured in the CIDR notation (e.g,
  • If the Gateway for a static route cannot be reached, there is no Connection to the defined target (No Route to Host)

Consider, that static routes should be configured on the Default Gateway, instead of setting up static routes on Clients

  • Via the timeserver configuration, you can enter the timeservers and choose the applicable time zone via the selection list.
  • With "Enable NTP" the NTP Service can be enabled (Microsoft recommends to disable this Feature when using HyperV Appliances)
  • We recommend entering at least one timeserver that supports NTP (Network Time Protocol), as the correct time is important for the functioning of the REDDOXX Appliance.
  • Especially in a Cluster Configuration, both nodes need to have the exact same Time Server settings
  • It is recommended to use a local timeserver (e.g. Domain Controller or dedicated Timeserver) instead of Public Timeservers
  • Make sure that the port 123 UDP on your firewall is opened
  • Confirm the changes with "Apply Settings"

  • Via the monitoring, system and application values of the Appliance can be monitored.
  • The REDDOXX Appliance supports the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2 and SNMPv3).
  • You can use any kind of monitoring tools as long as it supports SNMP
  • For an example, the administrator can monitor the queue length of the incoming mails and if the value reaches a specified limit (say 500) the monitoring system sends an alert to the admin.
  • Then the admin can for e.g. upgrade the hardware performance so that the mails are processed faster.

When running a failover cluster, the failoveradress should be used for snmp monitoring. A direct monitoring of active and passive node would produce errors especially on the passive node.

The following steps are required to use SNMP (it is possible to use SNMPv2 and SNMPv3 together):

  1. Use a descriptive Name in System Location (Some informational data for the monitoring software, where this appliance is located)
  2. Set the Sytem contact (informational data, like a username)
  3. Select if SNMPv2 should be used and set the SNMP Community (The authentication string to allow access to the appliance for data collection)
  4. Select if SNMPv3 should be used and set the corresponding Authentication and Privacy Credentials
  5. Confirm the changes with "Apply Settings".

The authentication user for snmpv3, which you need to use in your monitoring system when setting up the connection credentials, is called: rdxsnmp

To monitor the REDDOXX appliance and watch for its values, the administrator of the network monitoring system needs the Object-IDs.
The root object ID for REDDOXX is 31581. The individual measured values (keys) are addressed via the object IDs as listed in the following table.
The SNMP diagnosis is also suitable for the display of SNMP object IDs, as a complete SNMP walk is carried out on the appliance.
In addition, an SNMP walk can also be carried out from any other system against the appliance in order to determine the object IDs and to include them in an own SNMP monitoring system.

Object-ID Key Datatype
. SmtpReceiverConnectionsIn Counter32
. SmtpReceiverConnectionsOut Counter32
. SmtpReceiverMessagesReceivedIn Counter32
. SmtpReceiverMessagesReceivedOut Counter32
. SmtpReceiverBytesReceivedIn Counter32
. SmtpReceiverBytesReceivedOut Counter32
. SmtpReceiverActiveConnections Gauge32
. RejectedMessagesBecauseIpBlacklisted Counter32
. RejectedMessagesBecauseAntiSpoofing Counter32
. RejectedMessagesBecauseSpf Counter32
. ValidDkimSignatures Counter32
. InvalidDkimSignatures Counter32
. SmtpSenderConnectionsIn Counter32
. SmtpSenderConnectionsOut Counter32
. SmtpSenderMessagesSentIn Counter32
. SmtpSenderMessagesSentOut Counter32
. SmtpSenderBytesSentIn Counter32
. SmtpSenderBytesSentOut Counter32
. SmtpSenderActiveConnections Counter32
. MessagesWaitingForProcessing Gauge32
. MessagesWaitingForDelivery Gauge32
. ArchiveQueueLength Gauge32

Object IDs for ram usage by each appliance service

Object-ID Key Datatype
. RssMemoryUsageApplianceManager Counter32
. RssMemoryUsageMailDepot Counter32
. RssMemoryUsageSystemManager Counter32
. RssMemoryyUsageComplianceLog Counter32
. RssMemoryUsageSpamfinder Counter32
. RssMemoryUsageClamav Counter32
. RssMemoryUsageMongoDB Counter32
. RssMemoryUsageHaProxy Counter32
. RssMemoryUsageMailSealer Counter32
. RssMemoryUsageSmtpReceiver Counter32
. RssMemoryUsageSmtpSender Counter32
. RssMemoryUsageLogManager Counter32
. RssMemoryUsagePop3Proxy Counter32
. RssMemoryUsageReddcryptGateway Counter32
. RssMemoryUsageMailDepotIndex Counter32

Object IDs for cpu usage by each appliance service

Object-ID Key Datatype
. CpuUsageApplianceManager Counter32
. CpuUsageMailDepot Counter32
. CpuUsageSystemManager Counter32
. CpuUsageComplianceLog Counter32
. CpuUsageSpamfinder Counter32
. CpuUsageClamav Counter32
. CpuUsageMongoDB Counter32
. CpuUsageHaProxy Counter32
. CpuUsageMailSealer Counter32
. CpuUsageSmtpReceiver Counter32
. CpuUsageSmtpSender Counter32
. CpuUsageLogManager Counter32
. CpuUsagePop3Proxy Counter32
. CpuUsageReddcryptGateway Counter32
. CpuUsageMailDepotIndex Counter32

Object IDs for uptime by each appliance service

Object-ID Key Datatype
. UptimeApplianceManager Counter32
. UptimeMailDepot Counter32
. UptimeSystemManager Counter32
. UptimeComplianceLog Counter32
. UptimeSpamfinder Counter32
. UptimeClamav Counter32
. UptimeMongoDB Counter32
. UptimeHaProxy Counter32
. UptimeMailSealer Counter32
. UptimeSmtpReceiver Counter32
. UptimeSmtpSender Counter32
. UptimeLogManager Counter32
. UptimePop3Proxy Counter32
. UptimeReddcryptGateway Counter32
. UptimeMailDepotIndex Counter32

Object IDs for open file handles

Object-ID Key Datatype
. OpenFilesTotal Counter32
. OpenFilesContainer Counter32
. OpenFilesIndex Counter32

Common Linux-Object-IDs

Object-ID Key Description
. Linux_System_Load.1 1 Minute System Load
. FreeDiskSpaceSystemPartition Free Disk Space System Partition
. FreeDiskSpaceDataPartition Free Disk Space Data Partition
. UsedDiskSpaceSystemPartition Used Disk Space System Partition
. UsedDiskSpaceDataPartition Used Disk Space Data Partition

  • The Reddooxx Appliance provides an SMB Share for the connected storages.
  • This share can be reached via \\Appliance-IP\
  • You can configure an user for Read-Only Access or as Admin Account with read/write access.
  • The share can be used to move a Container from one storage to another, or to integrate a storage into a backup plan.
  • Confirm the changes with "Apply Settings".