CISS Theme Configuration

The CISS theme configuration is maintained via the portal.
Here you determine the appearance (layout) of your CISS portal page.
If you want different layouts for different domains, create separate THEMES and assign the respective domain to a theme.
The assignment of domains to a theme is made in the Spamfinder Filter Settings.

The following steps are necessary to call up the CISS theme configuration:

  1. Start a browser (necessarily with maximised window).
  2. Log in to the portal
  3. Call up the CISS Theme Configurator via "Your Products" -> "Reddoxx Appliance" -> "Actions" -> "Manage CISS" for the appliance to be customised
  4. Select the "REDDOXX default theme", or create a new theme (enter theme name and click on Add Theme)

The following steps are necessary to customise a CISS theme:

  1. In the CISS theme configuration, select "General" in the left menu and assign a name for the theme.
  2. Switch to the layout management with NEXT.
  3. Here you can choose from 5 different layout types, for each layout a corresponding thumbnail view with the available AREAs and the logo position is displayed.
  4. Adjust the LOGO and AREA areas to your liking and check the configured view by clicking on the "Preview" button.
  5. Switch to the administration of languages with NEXT.
  6. Here you can add, adapt and set languages as default (the default language is used if the CISS filter cannot identify a unique language from the incoming mails).
  7. Adjust the text fields introduction text, error text and thank you text for the languages you have created and save them by clicking on the button "Save translation".
  8. Switch to the picture management with NEXT.
  9. Here you can upload and edit the images for the CISS Challenge questionnaire.
  10. Select the uploaded pictures by editing and set up interactive fields within the picture by mouse clicks.
    The size of the click field can be adjusted with Grid Size.
  11. Switch to the Instructions tab to adjust the click instructions for the interactive fields; a separate instruction can be created for each language.
  12. Conclude the settings by clicking on Save
  13. After all desired adjustments have been made, the new theme can be saved by clicking on "Submit".

The theme can now be selected in the Spamfinder Filter Settings in the CISS administration.
In order for CISS to be applied, it must also be used in the filter profiles.